Archiv für Einträge mit dem Schlagwort uxcampeurope

+++ Recorded at UXcamp Europe 2012 +++

What challenges do we face and what to do about it? Together with the awesome crowd at UXcamp Europe, we discussed roadblocks and areas in need for improvement – and how to tackle these fellas to evolve as UX professionals.

Thanks to all UXcamp attendees for a great weekend, and special thanks to the Orga team for pulling this off again – we had fun!

Links regarding UXcamp Europe:


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If we just do our job with user research, information architecture, wireframes and stuff, chances are high to build a useless website with lots of bad content. In his talk at UXcamp Europe, Stefan focusses on the business side of large-scale UX projects. His talk offers food for thought on why we need to align stakeholders, how to do it, and how to sell change management methods.

Thanks to all UXcamp attendees who attended the session, and special thanks to those who participated in the discussion!

Attendees who spoke up gave consent for publication of this recording. Apologies for the sub-standard audio quality in the first few minutes (mobile phone interference).

Links for this episode:

My reading recommendations:

Reading recommendations by attendees:


Musikvideo: Adobe Flash Player (Version 9 oder höher) wird benötigt um dieses Musikvideo abzuspielen. Die aktuellste Version steht hier zum herunterladen bereit. Außerdem muss JavaScript in Ihrem Browser aktiviert sein.