Archiv für Einträge mit dem Schlagwort barcamp

Stefan und Holger diskutieren über interne Barcamps als Weiterbildungsmaßnahme.


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Note: This is a special, hour-long episode entirely in English. We’d like to thank the organizers of UXcamp Europe 2010 as well as all the attendees who made UXcamp such a great event. Spread the word about UXcamp and see you all next year!

End of May, 400 UX pros from all over Europe came together in Berlin to discuss User Experience and exchange knowledge. Volker Gersabeck and Henning Grote, two of the organizers, answered all the curious questions by Holger, Tom and Stefan: How the idea for UXcamp was born, what they had to organize upfront, what the BarCamp spirit is like, and what feedback they’ve got from sponsors and attendees.

Links for this episode:


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