Predicting the future is easy – at least that’s what Holger thinks. What is the future of our digital world? What is the future of the Internet, of television, movies, books, music, social networks and communication? What devices will we have in the future and how will we interact with them? And what does this all mean for our work as UX designers today? Hear how the digital revolution is transforming our lives right now and where the market is heading in the next few years.
This is a recording of a talk at IxDA Berlin on November 2nd, 2011.
Links for this episode:
- Our discussion on cloud services
- Our discussion on input methods (this was before Apple introduced Siri)
- Horace Dediu on input methods
- Christopher “moot” Poole on Social Networks
- The Critical Path – Back to the Future
- Technology adoption lifecycle (Wikipedia)
- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Wikipedia)
- Download this episode (mp3)
- Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes
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