+++ Recorded at UXcamp Europe +++
Are we going to evolve into tie-wearing consultants? Do UX pros matter at all a few years down the road? And how do Africa and refrigerators fit in? Together with the awesome folks at UXcamp Europe, we discussed the future of our profession.
Thanks to all UXcamp attendees for a marvelous weekend, and special thanks to the Orga team – we had fun!
Links for this episode (in order of mention):
- Session about change management by Stefan
- Session about Agile by Peter
- Session about Agile by Claudia
- Session about trends by Clive – Bummer! No slides yet…
- Session about storytelling by Holger
- Presentation by Sabine about mobile UX in Africa
- Regarding Apple’s success with the iPhone and the feature-checklist approach by their competitors: Marco Arment in February 2010, John Gruber in February 2011, Horace Dediu in March 2011
Links regarding UXcamp Europe:
- Wiki by the organizers of UXcamp
- Twitter stream by the organizers @uxcampeurope
- Lanyrd page with coverage
- Session grids for Saturday and Sunday
- Flickr photos with this year’s tag #uxce11
- You also might want to listen to yesteryear’s interview with the UXcamp organizers
- Download this episode (mp3)
- Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes
- Subscribe to the podcast with other apps
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[...] You also might want to listen to yesteryear’s recording – about the future of UX [...]
I’d say you did pretty well for a five minutes rehearsal. Of course one could argue our jingle is beyond saving anyways. :-)
…but alas, not even computer magic could save the jingle :D